Vanna White, the beloved game show icon, has recently negotiated a pay raise for her role on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, according to a new report. While she remains in talks to continue on the show after Pat Sajak’s departure, her pay for the regular Wheel of Fortune show is still undetermined.
The negotiated deal pertains specifically to her involvement in Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, a 13-episode spinoff featuring 27 celebrities. The agreement, reportedly reached through her attorney Bryan Freedman, known for representing high-profile figures such as Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly, is said to be worth $100,000 per episode. This amount is considerably lower than the reported $400,000 salary Sajak, aged 76, earned during the show’s first season.
Efforts to evaluate the importance of both Sajak and White’s roles on the show through a third-party mediator were also rejected by Sony, the studio behind Wheel of Fortune. It appears that the studio believes Sajak’s pay had already reached an excessive level by the end of his 48-year tenure, making the $15 million benchmark irrelevant to the ongoing talks.
While Sajak’s retirement announcement and Seacrest’s quick replacement were unfolding, White received a less enthusiastic response, leading her to believe that the show’s producers considered her “replaceable” and lacked respect for her. The situation has left her “disappointed” in the decision-making process.
As the negotiations continue, sources close to White have warned that things could turn “ugly” if Sony doesn’t take her role seriously. Her lawyer Freedman, renowned for resolving conflicts between talents and networks, is firmly advocating for increased compensation on her behalf.
Sources: AWM