Cheers,” the iconic sitcom that graced television screens from 1982 to 1993, remains etched in the hearts of viewers for its endearing cast of characters and witty humor set in a Boston bar. However, behind the scenes, the show had its fair share of quirks and mishaps. One notable confusion arose with the men’s and women’s bathrooms seemingly switching places in certain scenes, possibly due to oversight in set design. Such discrepancies, while minor, added to the show’s charm and provided fodder for dedicated fans to spot.
In addition to set design quirks, “Cheers” experienced its share of bloopers, including a visible curtain that went unnoticed for multiple episodes during the second season. Despite these occasional slip-ups, the show’s ability to maintain its comedic brilliance remained intact, endearing it to audiences worldwide. The creators and cast embraced the occasional mistake, turning them into moments of amusement for viewers and fostering a sense of camaraderie among the production team.