Red Dots on Your Skin: Causes and What They Could Mean

Red dots on the skin are common and can have various causes. Here’s a simplified list of potential causes:

Petechiae and Purpura: These “tiny red dots appear due to damaged blood vessels” and can result from stress or medications. They may indicate platelet disorders.
Cherry Angiomas: Small, raised, bright red bumps that are “generally harmless” and more common with age.
Heat Rash: Occurs when sweat gets trapped in ducts, leading to red, itchy dots.
Allergic Reactions: Can be triggered by food, substances, or insect bites, causing redness and itchy rashes.
Folliculitis: Inflammation of hair follicles, often due to bacterial or fungal infections, resulting in red, pus-filled dots.
Cellulitis: A bacterial skin infection that “requires medical attention and treatment with antibiotics.”
Impetigo: A contagious bacterial infection with red sores that “ooze fluid” and later form a crust.
Vasculitis: Involves inflammation of blood vessels and can be “associated with autoimmune disorders.”
Hemangiomas: Harmless birthmarks caused by abnormal blood vessel growth, though occasionally medical intervention may be needed.
If red dots are accompanied by fever, pain, or other symptoms, consult a doctor. “Better to be safe than sorry.”

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